Learn How to Restore Headlights Using Toothpaste

September 6th, 2018 by

DIY headlight fix with toothpaste

Whether you need to remove some scratches or repair rust on your car, the CarHop team is always here to lend a helping hand via easy, effective step-by-step guides. Today, we’re discussing how to restore headlights using toothpaste. Learn why headlight restoration is necessary and how to get your headlights cleaner with items you have in your house.



Why is DIY Headlight Restoration Necessary?

Vehicle headlights used to be made of glass, but automakers switched to polycarbonate or plastic in the 1980s. The only problem is that they can become cloudy over time. What causes these foggy headlights?

Surprisingly, foggy headlights aren’t a result of poor maintenance – instead, it’s a simple process called oxidation. This occurs due to UV light, road debris, atmospheric chemicals and other common culprits. Fortunately, it’s an easy DIY fix using little more than toothpaste and other items you likely already have at your home!

Use This Headlight Restoration Home Remedy

Just as toothpaste can remove unwanted plaque, bacteria and staining compounds from your teeth, it can also remove stains from your headlights thanks to the mild abrasives it contains.

How to Clean Headlights with Toothpaste

To start the process of getting your headlights shining, simply gather the following items:

  • Masking tape
  • Plastic or vinyl gloves
  • Microfiber cloth
  • Toothpaste
  • Soap
  • Car wax (optional)

Then, follow these easy steps:

  1. Clean headlights with firm back-and-forth motions with a soapy cloth, then rinse with plain water. Allow some time to dry before continuing.
  2. Protect the area surrounding your headlights from accidental scuffs with some masking tape.
  3. Put on the gloves to protect your skin, then dampen a clean cloth and add a dab of toothpaste.
  4. Use the cloth to firmly rub the surface of your headlights. Move the cloth and toothpaste in small circles, adding more water and toothpaste as needed. It should take about five to ten minutes for each light depending on how foggy your headlamps are.
  5. Rinse away the toothpaste with plain water and allow the headlights plenty of time to dry.
  6. OPTIONAL – After the lights are completely dry, apply wax to protect your headlights from damage in the future.


How Long to Leave Toothpaste on Headlights

Leave the toothpaste on the headlights for about 5-10 minutes. This allows the mildly abrasive properties of the toothpaste to work on removing the oxidation and grime from the headlight lenses.

Why Buy a Headlight Restoration Kit When You Have DIY Car Tips from CarHop?

With locations all over the country, the CarHop team offers more than just used cars to our customers – we’re here to share handy DIY car tips as well, such as how to remove rust with Coca-Cola, how to clean car air vents, or how to fix small windshield cracks with clear nail polish! Whether you may be in need of windshield chip repair or any other important maintenance tasks, trust CarHop for the automotive advice and maintenance hacks you need. Also, learn how to change your lightbulb.

If you’re ready to trade up your old car for a new pre-owned vehicle, stop by your local CarHop or start the fast pre-approval process online today.